Remembering Your Clients Birthdays!

compass ryblab sothebys windermere real estate Jun 08, 2020

In How to Win Friends and Influence People, Dale Carnegie has his famous fourth principle: “Become genuinely interested in people.” And one way he did that was by remembering everyone’s birthday. Carnegie famously kept a birthday book where he wrote down people’s birthdays, and when their day came he would send them a telegram or a letter.

“What a hit I made!” he declared. “I was frequently the only person on earth who remembered.” Remembering your client’s birthday is a great way to show that you are interested in them.

But we get it. It’s impossible to remember everything. If you have been in business awhile, you probably have hundreds of birthdays to remember let alone for your close family members, and other people that support your business.

And on top of all that you have to pick up your son from the mall, drop your daughter off at her friend’s house, and go grocery shopping before dinner. Wait, when was the last time you had a checkup at the dentist? Or went to yoga? And taxes . . . Geez! Did you file your taxes yet?!?!

Look, we are certainly not judging. Instead, what we are doing is helping.

In this video, I will discuss best practices for developing a birthday program for your real estate business!  


Remember the last time you were at work on your birthday, walking with your head down looking at a file trying to perform some calculation in your head. The last thing on your mind was the fact that it was your birthday, and then all of a sudden someone says, “Hey! Happy birthday!” And what did you do?

You looked up with a huge smile on your face. Doesn’t it feel nice? (Unless, of course, you would prefer not remembering your birthday. But that’s another story entirely . . .)

Remembering your client’s birthday is a great way to show that you care. It’s a way to show your clients that you have a relationship with them beyond just selling them a house.

If you are in need of a coach who can help with your real estate business as well as your personal goals, please give Nate a call!

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