Savings Thousands on Taxes - S-Corps, Tax Pillars, CARES ACT!

taxes Apr 10, 2020

This post is from a previously recorded webinar with Shahar Plinner of Formations Corp. In this webinar he talked about strategies you can take as a Realtor to save thousands on taxes each year. Also discussed was everything you need to know about the CARES act.

If you feel like you have been paying too much in taxes each year, or if you are confused about the intricacies of the CARES act, you won't want to miss this! See the show notes below for topics and timestamps.

Show Notes:

0:00 - Nate Short Introduction to the webinar

1:28 - What is Run Your Business Like A Business?

3:18 - Shahar Plinner of Formations Corp introduction

4:45 - Shahar Plinner begins his presentation on the 5 pillars of tax and accounting

6:31 - What are people saying about taxes?

9:03 - Tax Planning (The most important business foundation)

16:04 - The value of cash balance

21:08 - Compliance

24:13 - What is the best loophole?

26:13 - Investment and Retirement

27:12 - Why should you pay your kids?

29:55 - Estate taxes

32:42 - Q&A

41:40 - CARES Act

43:43 - What is the difference between an independent contract and employee?

45:12 - CARES Act

53:16 - What is Formations Corp?

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